New Normal

Confusing times, capricious mood.
Restless minds, waiting on for some good.
Chaos chaos everywhere,
its not safe. NOWHERE.
Earthquakes, protests,locusts,
Pandemic, suicides,fire and floods.
“The worst is yet to come”, they said.
“The peak is yet to reach”,they predicted.
“How worse can it be ?”, everyone anticipated.
The questions yet remained unanswered.
Masked faces, sanitized places,
and socially distanced. Thought the little minds,
I will be spared as I’m good.
But these too were the thoughts of the dead.
“You are living through history”, the future exclaimed.
“I want the good old days back”, the present cried.
“I want a happy future too”, it wished.
“Live in the moment”,the past snapped.